Oh, and btw, if this is elder abuse, Biden doesn't seem to mind.

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Or he is not aware. Self awareness goes away in dementia.

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Six points bring this all to the forefront:

-- Joe Biden has dementia, or Alzheimer's, combined with some form of Parkinson's disease, and should be removed from office.

-- Democrats are scamming us with a fake president and zombie puppet who takes his orders from Barack Obama and then "puts a lid on it" and takes a nap by Noon each day.

-- Biden's mental deterioration is an embarrassment to the United States.

-- Joe's wife Jill Biden should be indicted for elder abuse.

-- Obama has been the real de facto president all along.

-- Obama gives all the orders to an administration filled with ex-Obama administration officials.

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A very true. And a national security threat. Funny how the threat level at a bunch of our military bases went up on Friday. And no easy path for the Dems to jettison him from the campaign.

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